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Let’s talk about some email features that are surprisingly under-used, and that can really benefit you — if you know how to use them. This article is suitable for both users and developers who want to become email Jedi.

让我们讨论一些电子邮件功能,这些功能出奇的使用不足,如果您知道如何使用它们,那么它们确实可以使您受益。 本文既适合希望成为电子邮件Jedi的用户,也适合开发人员。

技巧1:单个帐户中有多个电子邮件地址 (Hack 1: Multiple email addresses within a single account)

Have you ever wanted to register multiple times on a website, but still keep the same inbox for all the accounts? This simple trick works with about 95% of websites and services across the world. Even on Twitter and Instagram.

您是否曾经想过在一个网站上多次注册,但是仍然为所有帐户保留相同的收件箱? 这个简单的技巧适用于全球约95%的网站和服务。 即使在Twitter和Instagram上。

Some email providers, like gmail.com or live.com, allow you to put an extra dot between the letters of the email address. This changes nothing but the look of the address.

某些电子邮件提供商(例如gmail.com或live.com)允许您在电子邮件地址的字母之间添加一个额外的点。 这只会改变地址的外观。

For example, say you own letgrandmaseat@gmail.com. You also own let.grandma.seat@gmail.com, let.grandmas.eat@gmail.com, l.e.t.g.r.a.n.d.m.a.s.e.a.t@gmail.com, and so on. All the emails sent to these addresses will appear in the same inbox. You can send emails back using any of these addresses as well — it just needs .

例如,假设您拥有letgrandmaseat@gmail.com。 您还拥有let.grandma.seat@gmail.comlet.grandmas.eat@gmail.comletgrandmaseat@gmail.com等。 发送到这些地址的所有电子邮件将显示在同一收件箱中。 您也可以使用这些地址中的任何一个发送回电子邮件-只需 。

This allows you to change the look of an email address, and use any of the iterations as a “new,” valid email. For example:

这使您可以更改电子邮件地址的外观,并将任何迭代用作“新的”有效电子邮件。 例如:

  • You can register on websites multiple times using the same email account

  • You can share different forms of your email address with different people. This way, when receiving emails from unknowns, you can find out how senders learned about your email address.

    您可以与其他人共享不同形式的电子邮件地址。 这样,当您接收未知邮件时,您可以了解发件人如何了解您的电子邮件地址。

In addition, some email providers allow you to add a plus sign to your address followed by any arbitrary string:


  • let.grandmas.eat+your.soup@gmail.com


  • let.grandma.seat+a.baby@gmail.com


This increases the number of possible email address variations almost to infinity.


This can be extremely useful for grouping your incoming emails. You can to group emails differently according to the address they come from. For example, you can register on some minor websites using the letgrandmaseat+trash@gmail.com address. Then, you can set up an inbox rule to move all those incoming emails to the “Low Priority” box.

这对于将收到的电子邮件进行分组非常有用。 您可以 ,根据电子邮件来自的地址对电子邮件进行不同的分组。 例如,您可以使用letgrandmaseat+trash@gmail.com地址在一些较小的网站上注册。 然后,您可以设置一个收件箱规则,将所有这些收到的电子邮件移动到“低优先级”框中。

Many services offering a trial version of their products accept different forms of the same email account. This means that you can register again and again, when each trial ends, to get a new trial — all with the same email account. Developers can’t do much to restrict this. Continue reading to figure out why.

提供其产品试用版的许多服务都接受同一电子邮件帐户的不同形式。 这意味着您可以在每次试用结束后一次又一次注册,以使用相同的电子邮件帐户获得新的试用。 开发人员不能做太多限制。 继续阅读以找出原因。

技巧2:许多域可以引用同一帐户 (Hack 2: Many domains can refer to the same account)

If you own any @gmail.com address, you can also use any @googlemail.com address for sending or receiving emails. Most websites and web services treat these email addresses as different. This allows you to register multiple accounts using both forms of a single email address.

如果您拥有任何@ gmail.com地址,则也可以使用任何@ googlemail.com地址发送或接收电子邮件。 大多数网站和Web服务将这些电子邮件地址视为不同。 这使您可以使用两种形式的单个电子邮件地址注册多个帐户。

技巧3:电子邮件地址可能区分大小写 (Hack 3: Email addresses can be case-sensitive)

Many people know that it doesn’t typically matter whether you write to letgrandmaseat@gmail.com or LetGrandmasEat@gmail.com.


But it turns out that the part before the @ can be case-sensitive. This is because it is entirely under the control of the host system. According to RFC 5321, section 2.3.11:

但是事实证明@之前的部分可以区分大小写。 这是因为它完全在主机系统的控制之下。 根据RFC 5321第2.3.11节:

“The standard mailbox naming convention is defined to be “local-part@domain;” contemporary usage permits a much broader set of applications than simple “user names.” Consequently, and due to a long history of problems when intermediate hosts have attempted to optimize transport by modifying them, the local-part MUST be interpreted and assigned semantics only by the host specified in the domain part of the address.”
“标准邮箱命名约定定义为“ local-part @ domain”;” 与简单的“用户名”相比,现代用法允许更多的应用程序集。 因此,由于长期存在的问题历史,当中间主机试图通过修改它们来优化传输时,本地部分必须只能由地址的域部分中指定的主机来解释和分配语义。

So, if you use a luxury domain instead of a well-known one (like gmail.com), it’s best to keep the address in its original case. But if you accidentally mistyped and the resulting address does not exist, you will likely receive an email telling you that your message was not delivered.

因此,如果您使用豪华域名而不是知名域名(例如gmail.com),则最好将地址保留为原始大小写。 但是,如果您不小心输入了错误且结果地址不存在,则可能会收到一封电子邮件,告诉您您的消息未送达。

These naming conventions completely depend on the host systems. Technically, anyone who can create email servers can set up any naming rules they want. They can use different domains they own for the same mailbox, allow or deny any of the in the email addresses, and so on.

这些命名约定完全取决于主机系统。 从技术上讲,任何可以创建电子邮件服务器的人都可以设置所需的任何命名规则。 他们可以对同一个邮箱使用不同的域,允许或拒绝电子邮件地址中的任何 ,等等。

hack 4:“一次性电子邮件”服务 (Hack 4: “Disposable email” services)

There are a couple of services which allow you to create a temporary, for free. These exist to allow you to access information when you don’t want to register because of privacy concerns or other issues.

有一些服务可让您免费创建一个临时的, 。 这些功能可让您在由于隐私或其他问题而不想注册时访问信息。

And these services are used by many people. Just check how often , and how much uninteresting junk there is.

这些服务被很多人使用。 只需检查 ,以及有多少无趣的垃圾。

To prevent the use of fake emails, some services use different . And yes, they help in some cases. It becomes more difficult to create a bunch of email addresses which will bypass validity checks. Lots of robots and spamming programs will die here, which is why these services exist.

为了防止使用伪造的电子邮件,某些服务使用了不同的 。 是的,它们在某些情况下会有所帮助。 创建一堆绕过有效性检查的电子邮件地址变得更加困难。 许多机器人和垃圾邮件程序将在这里死亡,这就是为什么存在这些服务的原因。

Do email validation services sound like the solution to fraud or spam problems? In most cases — yes. But not for all possible problems, as you’ll read next.

电子邮件验证服务听起来像是针对欺诈或垃圾邮件问题的解决方案吗? 在大多数情况下-是的。 但是,并非所有可能的问题,您都将在下面阅读。

技巧5:您可以免费创建几乎任何电子邮件地址 (Hack 5: You Can Create Almost Any Email Address For Free)

When you own a domain, you can set up an email service for it. There are which let you do this for free. And there are which provide free domain names for everyone.

拥有域后,您可以为其设置电子邮件服务。 有可让您免费进行此操作。 并且有为每个人提供免费域名。

If you can follow instructions to set up a domain and an email on it, you can create any.name@any.domain.XY email address for free. The detailed instructions to set up such an email are beyond of the scope of this article. But in short, the procedure looks like this:

如果您可以按照说明在其上设置域和电子邮件,则可以免费创建any.name@any.domain.XY电子邮件地址。 设置此类电子邮件的详细说明超出了本文的范围。 简而言之,该过程如下所示:

  1. Register a or paid domain by filling out a typical registration form.


  2. Select one of the “email for domain” providers (for example, ), and follow to create an email account for your domain.

    选择“域电子邮件”提供商之一(例如 ),然后按照为您的域创建一个电子邮件帐户。

Yes, it’s that easy.


对电子邮件用户的影响 (The implications for email users)

By adding special symbols like dots or plus signs to your email address (for some email providers) you can get the most of it. You can manage incoming group emails and register multiple times on some sites. And it lets you put different forms of your address on your business card so you know the source of incoming emails.

通过在您的电子邮件地址中添加特殊符号(例如点或加号)(对于某些电子邮件提供商),您可以充分利用它。 您可以管理传入的组电子邮件并在某些站点上多次注册。 它使您可以在名片上放置不同形式的地址,从而了解传入电子邮件的来源。

, as well as , can protect your privacy when you need to register on an unwanted website for any reason.

当您出于任何原因需要在不需要的网站上注册时, 以及可以保护您的隐私。

And finally, nowadays anyone can register a free domain name and set up an email on it. This gives you a unique, personalized, and valid email address.

最后,如今,任何人都可以注册一个免费域名并在其上设置电子邮件。 这为您提供了一个唯一,个性化且有效的电子邮件地址。

对开发人员的影响 (The implications for developers)

In short, there is no way to be completely sure that we can trust a given email. But these are some practices that can reduce abnormal use of an email address:

简而言之,无法完全确定我们可以信任给定的电子邮件。 但是,以下一些做法可以减少对电子邮件地址的异常使用:

1. Do you store emails as primary IDs in the database, but want to disallow users from registering on your service multiple times? If so, you can use to normalize email addresses before storing them as IDs. removes dots and plus-sign endings according to different well-known email providers, changes the address to lowercase, and fixes domain names to a single form (googlemail.com → gmail.com).

1.您是否将电子邮件作为主要ID存储在数据库中,但要禁止用户多次注册您的服务? 如果是这样,您可以使用在将电子邮件地址存储为ID之前对其进行规范化。 根据不同的知名电子邮件提供商删除点和加号的结尾,将地址更改为小写,并将域名固定为一种形式(googlemail.com→gmail.com)。

2. If you use libraries that normalize email addresses, let users keep their email address in the form it was originally entered. For example, if a user registers on your service with username+bank@googlemail.com, make sure that all the emails are sent only to that address. Don’t send to the “normalized” username@gmail.com address.

2.如果您使用规范化电子邮件地址的库,请让用户将电子邮件地址保留为最初输入的形式。 例如,如果用户使用username+bank@googlemail.com在您的服务上注册,请确保所有电子邮件仅发送到该地址。 不要发送到“规范化”的username@gmail.com地址。

3. To detect disposable email addresses, you can use open-source libraries like . You can also rely on the services which provide APIs to validate email addresses. There are in the list!

3.要检测一次性电子邮件地址,您可以使用像的开源库。 您还可以依赖提供API的服务来验证电子邮件地址。 列表中有 !

I hope you learned something new by reading this article. If you like it, let it spread over Medium by pressing on the “clap” button as many times as you will ? .

希望您通过阅读这篇文章学到新东西。 如果您喜欢,可以通过按“拍手”按钮多次将其散布在“中”上? 。

Thank you for reading!





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